
Compound manfoldsPartial Manfolds Theory
Theoretical PhysicsDeffirential Aquasions

Teaching Experiance
All Mathematical Siences, Aljabr, Engineering and Analisys. witch includes:
مقرارت الحسباننظرية القياس
نظرية القياس الحسبان في عدة متغيرات
الحسبان في عدة متغيرات التحليل الدالي
التحليل الدالي الجبرالخطي
الجبرالخطي مقرارت التبولوجيا
مقرارت التبولوجيا نظرية الزمر
الطرق الرياضية نظرية الحقول والحلقات
تحويلات لابلاس وفورييرالمعادلات التفاضلية العادية
الهندسة التفاضلية المعاملات التفاضلية الجزئية
الميكانيكا التحليلية التحليل الحقيقي
تحليل المتجهات التحليل المركب
نظرية الممتدات نظرية النسبية الخاصة
النظرية الكهرومغناطيسية حسبان التغاير
الهندسة التفاضلية للمنحنيات والسطوح

Supervising multible master's degree students
Adam MahmoudAmir
HibaMahmoud Adam
Othman AliSahar
Ahmed HassanAbdulhalim Ahmed Matar
MagedaHanan Hamad Alseid
Remaz AwadReem Abdulgader
SajdaSaad Abdulgader
Suliman Mohammed SulimanAbdulbagi
Aziza OmerOmer Siddig Bashir
Magdi Adam AliMusa Yahya Jaber
Mohammed Tariq Mohammed AbbasOthman Jalogny
Omer Abdul AzizAlaa Hussein Khalaf Allah Bashir
Mohammed Abdul AzizOsama
Abdlraziq MohammedAbdl-Mannan Abdl-Aziz

Supervising multible PhD students
Awadiya Mohammed AlHassan
Dr. ReemDr. Jasmin
Dr. Abu Thar HuseinDr. Abu Aliz
Dr. Abubakr AhmedDr. Ahmed Ali Mohammed Musa
Dr. EkhlasDr. Idrees Qamar
Dr. Altahir KhojalyDr. Ilham Abdulhamid
Dr. MagidaDr. Balqis Ahmed
Dr. ThowibaDr. Jebreel
Dr. Haram NuwaraDr. sami Hijazi
Dr. TariqDr. Mohammed Bannga
Dr. Nasr AldinDr. Raad Abdulkarim
Dr. Salma Abbas KhalilDr. Safi Aldin
Dr. SafaaDr. Abdulazim Abdulkarim
Dr. Ali Muhammed AbdulbagiDr. Omer Ehemir
Dr. Omran SasiDr. Fatima Yasin
Dr. Mohammed Adam Abdullah KhatirDr. Mukhtar Abdurahman
Dr. Marwa AltaibDr. Muaaz Mudawi
Dr. Musa YahyaDr. Naglaa
Dr. Nusaiba EbrahimDr. Nimat
Dr. Hiba NasirDr. Hisham Ali Ahmed Ghanim
Dr. Yassir EbeidDr. Nadia
Dr. Abdul Halim Ahmed MatarDr. May Ahmed Hamad Babikir
Dr. Rihab Altaib AlrayahDr. Razaz Farooq Yousof Mostafa
Dr. Roaa Abu AlqasimDr. Aljayly Abdullah Alhassan
Dr. Hashim Ali AhmedDr. Asmaa Ahmed
Dr. Asmaa Abdullah AlhajDr. Arafat Abdulhamid Abdulrahmak
Dr. Yousof AbdullatifDr. ziyad Mohammed Ibrahim
Dr. Hussam Mohammed AbduljalilDr. Sahar Ibrahim Bakry Abdullah
Dr. Sulaiman Alzibier Almalih

Teaching Experties
الهندسة التفاضلية المانفولدات التفاضلية
المانفولدات التفاضلية الجزئية نظرية جالوا
زمر لي وتطبيقاتها التبولوجيا الجبرية
الجبرالمتقدم هندسة ريمان
طرق رياضية متقدمة تطبيقات الطرق التماثلية في حل المعادلات التفاضلية
الصيغ التفاضلية وتطبيقاتها

Excellent teaching awards

Academic Activities
Reviewing multible Mathematics booksExaming multible master's degree students
Examing multible PhD degree studentsParticipating in many International Confrences in countries like: Saudiarabia, Bahrain, Turkey, US, Italy and England
Participating in Physics Depatments: Unification of Nature Forces - Quantom Engineering

A. Teacher
1978 - 1979
Origon University US
1980 - 1982
Origon University US
A. Teacher
1983 - 1992
King Saud University Saudiarabia
Participant Teacher
1993 - 2000
King Saud University Saudiarabia
2000 - Present
Nilein University - Sudan
2001 - 2004
Upper Studdies - Nilien University
2006 - 2010
Mathimatical Sience School - Nilien University
2001 - 2009
Electrical Engineering Calleg
2012 - 2014
Upper Studdies Calleg - Nilien University
2016 - Present
Mathematical & Engineering Science Research Center
2009 - Prenent
Academy of Engineering & Medical Science

Research Activity

1. M. A.Bashir, Chen’s problem on mixed foliate CR-submanifolds, Bull. Austial.Math.Soc., Vol.40, No. (1), 1989.

2. M. A.Bashir, On totally real submanifolds in a 6-sphere Canada. Math .Bull,Vol. 33 (2(, (1990).

3. M.A.Bashir, On the three-dimensional CR-submanifolds of the six-dimensional sphere, International Journal of mathematics and Mathematical Science. 1991.

4. M. A.Bashir, Totally real surfaces of the six dimensional sphere, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 33, (1991).

5. M. A.Bashir, Some totally Umbitical CR-submanifolds of a Kaehler manifolds, Mathematical Chronicle, Vol. 20, (1991).

6. M. A.Bashir, On totally Umbitical CR-submanifolds of a Kaehler manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 16, No 2, (1993)

7. M. A.Bashir, CR-hyper surfaces of complex projective a space, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 17, No 4, (1994)

8. M. A. Bashir, On the classification of totally umbilical CR-submanifolds of Kaehler manifold, Publication de L Institute Mathematique, tome 51 (65), 1992.

9. M. A.Bashir, CR-hyper surfaces of the six-dimensional sphere, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 12, No 1, (1994).

10. M. A. Bashir, Four-Dimensional CR-hyper-surfaces of the six-dimensional sphere , Arab Gulf , Journal of Scientific Research , 1 Vol. 12, No.1 (1994).

11. M. A. Bashir, CR-submanifoldsof the six-dimensional sphere, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 18, No 1, (1995).

12. M. A .Bashir,Aphysical interpretation of the total mean curvature, Journal of Natural Geometry, Vol. 8, (1995) .

13. M. A .Bashir, On three-dimensional CR-Submanifolds of a Koehler manifold, J. Egypt Math. Soci. Vol. 12, (1994).

14. M. A.Bashir. M.S.Abdalla, The most general solution for the wave function of the transformed Taviscummings model. Physics letter A .Vol. 204, 21, (1995).

15. M. A. Bashir, A physical Interpretation of the formula of the volume of the tube around a sub manifold of twister space the proceeding workshop(Aug.1995).

16. M. A. Bashir, A remark on totally real submanifolds in the six-dimensional sphere. The proceeding of the Institute of Basic Research International workshop (Aug. 1995).

17. M. A. Bashir, On CR-submanifolds in the six-dimensional sphere. Submitted for publication in Mathematical Japonica.

18. M. A. Bashir, Lie algebraic treatment of three coupled oscillators, Journal of quantum semiotics opt. 10 (1998).

19. M. A. Bashir, Lie algebraic treatment of the degenerate parametric amplifier, J. Egypt Math.SociVol. 5, (1997).

20. M. A. Bashir, fixed points of Homomorphic mappings of complex manifold. Kumamoto Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9 (1996).

21. M. A. Bashir, The Lie algebra treatment of partial differential equations of evolution type. In Dynamic system and applications.

22. M. A. Bashir, A. A. Mussa, The expansion method and its application to the Davey-Stewartson equation. Applied Mathematical Sciences. (June 2014).

23. M. A. Bashir, Lama. A.Alhakim,New F expansion method and its applications to modified K d V equation. Journal of Mathematics Research .Vol. 5, No. 4 (2013).

24. M. A. Bashir, Tarig M. Elzaki. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for mixed-type differential equations. Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences (M), (2013).

25. M. A. Bashir, Lama. A.Alhakim, Calibrating auxiliary differential equation to solve the Benjamin-Bona-Mohony equation, (June 2014).

26. M. A. Bashir, M. S.Abdalla, The Lie algebraic treatment of partial differential equations of evolution type. Arab J. Math.Sc. Vol15, number 1, (June 2009).

27. M. A. Bashir, Sami H. M. Different equivalent formulae of Euler-Lagrange equations .Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences. No 17 (2013).

28. M. A. Bashir, Omima. E. Saeed, Spin geometry and its generalization. Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences. (2014).

29. M. A. Bashir,Omima. E. Saeed, The geometrical formulation of Dirac equation. Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences. (2014).

30. M. A. Bashir, Mansur Hassan Mansur, On A differential geometric approach to fluid mechanics. International Journal of scientific and research publications, volume 5, issue 9, (September 2015).

31. M. A. Bashir, Mansur Hassan Mansur, Exterior differential system approach to continuity equation. International Journal of mathematics and physical sciences research, volume 3, issue 1, (September 2015).

32. M.A.Bashir,RundaAbdalhafizAbdalrhim ,On the Classification of Lie algebra. Sudan Journal for Basic Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 2, (2014).

33. M. A. Bashir,RundaAbdalhafiAbdalrhim:The Equivalence problem For Differential Operators.

34. M.A.Bashir,MakurMakuacChinorRiak:On symplectic Geometry,Sudan Journal for basic Sciences, (2012Nos).

35. M.A.Bashir,MakurMakuacChinorRiak:On Geometries from Asymmetry Point of view. (2009).

36. M.A. Bashir, Ayman. A. Imam.Eman,Enad.A. Rahim:Fuzzy Stacked set and Fuzzy Stacked Semi group,InternationalJournalof Scientific Research Publications. December 2014. Volume 4, lssue 12.

37. M. A. Bashir, Ayman . A. Imam.Eman ,Enad. A. Rahim:ASet with Special Arrangemement and Semi – Group on a New System Called the Stacked System,InternationalJournal of Scientific Research Publications. July 2014. Volume 4, lssue7.

38. M. A. Bashir, Ayman. A. Imam.Eman, Enad. A. Rahim:The Stacked Semi – Groups and Fuzzy Stacked Systems on Transportation TrenportationModels,InternationalJournal of Scientific Research Publications. August 2014. Volume 4, issue8.

39. M. A. Bashir, ELTaib Ali Adam:On the Existence of integralManifolds of an integralElementUniversity of Al Fashir,University Journal for Applied Sciences NO(4) 2014.

40. M. A. Bashir, ELtaib Ali Adam: On the integral manifolds of integral element,EleneilainUniversityJournal for Engineering Sciences.

41. M. A. Bashir, lsmailmustafamohammed: On the advantages Of quaternion’s, Sudan Journal for Basic Sciences (S J B S),M No(7)(2015).

42. M. A. Bashir,Samia Ahmed badrsouliman: On the bundle formulation Of Lagrange equations, science and technology No(1), (2011).

43. M. A. Bashir,S. M. ELzaki,l.lajimi;On solution of general lotka- Volterra system by using Differential Transform Method.

44. M. A.Bashir,Gafer M. Taha;On utility of invariants for the solution of variation, International journal of advanced research. Volume 3, Issue 7. (2015).

45. M. A.Bashir,Gafer M,Taha;On transformation groups, International Journal of advanced research. Volume 4, Issue 9. (2015).

46. M. A. Bashir. N. H. Mohammed; On Fixed point theorems and their Applications (I), International Journal of scientific research publications, volume 6, 1, (2016).

47. M. A. Bashir. N. H. Mohammed; On Fixed point theorems and their Applications (II), International Journal of scientific research publications, volume 6, 1, (2016).

48. M. A. Bashir. Ismail. M. Mohammed, On Utility of irreducible group representation in differential equations (II), International journal of scientific research publications, volume 5, Issue 8, (August 2015).

49. M. A. Bashir. Mohammed Yousif, EmadaldeenAbdalrahim. On Heisenberg form of uncertainty relations, International journal of engineering sciences & research technology, volume 4, Issue 12, (December 2015).

50. M. A. Bashir. Asma Osman Omer. On the Twister approach to quantum gravity. Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 2, (2013).

51. M. A. Bashir. Asma Osman Omer. On the unification of physical fields. Sudan Journal of Basic Sciences. Volume 6, Issue 3, (2014).

52. M. A. Bashir. Mohammed Yousif, EmadaldeenAbdalrahim. On the orbital and spin parts of angular momentum of light, International journal of engineering sciences & research technology, volume 4, Issue 12, (December 2015).

53. M. A. Bashir. Alaaddin A. Musa. On new approach of expansion method. Applications to KdV equation, journal of mathematics research. Canadian centre of science and education.volume 6, no. 1, 2014.

54. M. A. Bashir. Alaaddin A. Musa & Lama AbdulazizAlhakim. The new generalization of expansion method and its application to some complex nonlinear partial differential equations, Council for innovative research, journal ofadvances in mathematics,volume 9, no. 8.
55. M. A. Bashir. Alaaddin A. Musa. On the expanision method and its application to the Davey-Stewartson equation, Applied mathematics sciences, volume 8, no. 78. 2014.

56. M. A. Bashir. Mawahib Zain Elabdin Mohammed. On Group Invariant Solutions of partial differential equations. Journal of science and technology, vol. 13, (December 2012).

57. M. A. Bashir. Tarig Abdel Azim. The Geometrical Interpretation of Green’s Function. American Journal of applied and industrial sciences. Vol. 4, Issue 2, May 2016.

58. M. A. Bashir. Tarig Abdel Azim. The Global Formulation of the Cauchy problem. Canadian Centre of science and education. Vol. 8, no. 3, June 2016.

59. M. A. Bashir. R. M. Ibrahim. The Geometrical interpretation of Dirac equation.

60. M. A. Bashir. R. M. Ibrahim. The Index of De Rham Complex.

61. M. A. Bashir. Mnahil M. Bashier. On Integrability of Hamiltonian Systems. Indian Journal of applied research. Volume 6. Issue 5. May 2016.

62. M. A. Basheir. Mohammed Banaga, EmadaldeenAbdalrahim. Cartan-kahler theory and prolongation. IJESRT, ISSN:2277-9655, (2016).

63. M. A. Basheir. Mohammed Banaga, EmadaldeenAbdalrahim. Exterior differential systems, Prolongation and its Application to partial differential equation. IJESRT, ISSN: 2277-9655, (2016).

64. M. A. Bashir. Fatima Yassin. Fourier Analysis using Hilbert space technique. Journal of educational renewaly. No. 17. December 2015.

65. M. A. Bashir. Manahil M. Bashir. Geometrical Formulation of Hamiltonian Mechanics, in SJBS, series (M), No(10).

66. M. A. Bashir, Ibrahim YousifAbdelrahman, The generalized Hamiltonian systems. Journal of science and humanities West Kordufan University. To appear.

67. M. A. Bashir, Mukhtar Osman, Solution of partial differential equations with variables coefficients using double sumudu transform, International Journal of scientific and research publications. Volume 6. Issue 6. June 2016.

68. M. A. Bashir, Yasmeen Sirag Osman, The twistor geometry of space-time, Sudan Journal for basic sciences. No (10). December 2016.

69. M. A. Bashir, Yasmeen Sirag Osman &Tarig A. Abdelhaleem, On the twistor method for treating differential equations. Journal of mathematics research, Canadian centre of sciences and education. Vol. 9. No. 2. April 2017.

70. M. A. Bashir, Salma A. Khalil. On Types of Derivatives concepts and applications II. Journal of Mathematics Research. Canadian centre of science and education. Vol. 9. No. 1. February 2017.

71. M. A. Bashir, Gebreel M. Khur. On a new dynamics on kahler manifold using local canonical basis. International Journal of information research and review. Vol. 4. Issue. 2. February 2017.

72. M. A. Bashir, Gebreel M. Khur. On Lagrangian dynamical systems on Clifford kahler manifolds. Global Journal of science frontier research. Vol VII. Issue II. 2017.

73. M. A. Bashir, Thwiba A. Khalid. On Power Control in time varying wireless networks. International Journal of Engineering sciences & research technology. Vol. 3. April 2017.

74. M. A. Bashir, N. A. Ahmed. On applications of invariant manifold. International Journal of mathematics and physical sciences research. Vol. 5, Issue 1, September 2017.

75. M. A. Bashir, Gebreel M. Khur Baba. On the Clifford Hamilton formulation of symplectic mechanics using frame and co-frame filds. Asian Journal of science and technology. Vol. 8. Issue. 5. May 2017.

76. M. A. Bashir ,EmranSasi AL Thbet . On Dimensional Reductions Of The Equations Of Motion Of The Six – Dimensional Self –Dual Three Form Field .Sudan Journal For Basic Science (SJBS),M .Vol .14 . Issue .26 . November 2018.

77. M. A. Bashir ,EmranSasi AL Thbet . On Dimensional Reductions of the Equations of motion of the Six-dimensional Self-dual three form field. Sudan Journal For Basic Science. 2018.

78. M. A. Bashir, YasirAbeid Husain. On the Application of A domain Decomposition Technique to Volterra Integral Type of Equations. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2019.

79. M. A. Bashir, YasirAbeid Husain. On the Application of Decomposition Technique to Wave Equation and Heat Flow. Journal of Engineering Sciences. Volume 3. July 2019.

80. M. A. Bashir, Mutaz M. Abbas Ali. A Geometric Approach to the Optimal Control of Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems. Sudan Journal for Basic Sciences (SJBS). March 2019.

81.M. A. Bashir, Mutaz M. Abbas Ali. Nonlinear of Mechanical Systems: A LagrangianPerspective.Journal of Academy of Sciences Engineering (JASE). Volume July 2019.

82. M. A. Bashir. I. H. Gamar. Invariant vibrational problems. American scientific research journal for engineering technology and sciences. 2019.

83. M.A. Bashir and Musa Yahia Jabir (Metric Fixed Point Theory) Sudan Journal for Basic Science (SJBS) 2019.

84. M.A. Bashir and Musa Yahia Jabir (Exogenous Growth Model (Solow-Swan Growth Model)) Sudan Journal for Basic Science (SJBS) 2019.

85. M.A. Bashir On minimal submanifolds of a unit sphere by Elham Abdel Hamied Haman Mohammed, al-Zaiem Al-Azhari University, Khartoum - Sudan,

86. M.A Bashir Type submanifolds in Euelidean three Dimensional space. By: Elham abdelHamied Hamad Mohammed. Al-Zaiem Al-Azhari University. Khartoum - Sudan.

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